how to beat the Sunday scaries

Those feelings of dread, worry, and anxiety on a Sunday are the worst.

I’ve been dealing with the Sunday scaries since 2019 and it’s honestly not going away.

If you’re new to the term, I like to define the Sunday scaries as the anxiety or worry one experiences on the Sunday (or any day) before the start of the work week. It’s the feeling of dread that tends to creep up on a Sunday afternoon when you realize that the weekend is almost over. The worst part about the Sunday scaries (for me at least) is that it’s hard to enjoy the time you have left when you are thinking about the end of the weekend. (Here’s an article that talks about the Sunday scaries.)

Instead of just suffering every week, let’s get intentional about how we approach the weekend and conquer those Sunday feelings.

Here’s how to beat the Sunday scaries:

[1] Start preparing on Saturday. I know, I know. The LAST thing that you want to do on Saturday is think about Sunday and the upcoming work week. But think about it: if you do the boring, more mundane tasks on Saturday, you can use Sunday to relax. Grab a pen and paper (or a your planner). Write down a list of the tasks you can complete on Saturday that will help you have a relaxing Sunday. Instead of cleaning and grocery shopping on Sunday, try it out on Sunday (unless you are one of those people who likes grocery shopping and find it relaxing…no judgment here I promise).

[2] Practice self-care. Now that the boring tasks and chores are done, you have more free time to practice habits and rituals that leave you calm and fulfilled. Use this free-time to practice self-care, especially the “surface level” practices, like getting your nails done, watching movies, shopping (the fun kind though, not for food), massages, yoga, etc. Now is the time to shower yourself with the love, care, and relaxation you need to get through the week.

[3] Plan for Monday (but only if you absolutely have to). If you’re like me, you can’t go into Monday completely unprepared. I take a few minutes, honestly no more than 30 minutes, to prepare for Monday by writing a to-do list, pulling out clothes to wear, etc. If you’re like me and need to do something, try little things that will make your Monday morning easier! If you take a small amount of time to prepare for Monday, you can use Monday morning to ease into the work week.

[4] Unplug and unwind. My house is my safe space. I try to end Sundays by being in my safe space and unplugging from social media to journal, watch a movie, etc. Really, the goal here is to completely relax and get your mind right for the week. Whether it’s calling a friend, journaling, reading, or some other relaxing activity, the most important thing is that you unplug from social media. We spend the workweek looking at our work phones and laptops. Sunday night is a great way to break that cycle by staying present and in the moment.

Reminders for when you are dealing with the Sunday scaries

Sometimes, the Sunday scaries are inevitable, no matter what you do to try to conquer those feelings. Here are some reminders when you are dealing with these feelings:

[1] Remember that you are more than capable of achieving hard things.

[2] Trust that everything is working out in your favor.

[3] You’ve survived 100% of your tough and trying work days. You can make it through this next one too.

Whether you try one or all of the above, the important thing to remember is that you don’t have to let the Sunday scaries win every weekend. The goal is to not let those feelings of dread and anxiety overwhelm you every weekend. Some weeks will be better than others. Keep pushing forward and don’t be afraid to try something new to help you conquer these feelings.

You got this!


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